Tuesday, August 30, 2005


There’s an almost poetic quality to the image of a stone cast out upon the water setting into motion a series of ripples from the point of impact. The size of the stone and manner of impact determines the rhythm and shape of the rippling. Though they fade as they journey outward, the ripples are felt nonetheless along whatever route they take. Even should they encounter something that alters their pattern or course, they continue on into time nevertheless.

Every thought and every act likewise sends forth ripples out into the universe. We cannot therefore take the consequences of our actions lightly for they potentially color, alter or shape the course of history. Tremendous responsibility is placed on us when we consider the scope of influence of our thoughts and actions.

9/11 was a defining moment in history and has forever changed the way we view life and interact with the world. Our collective innocense and naivete was replaced by anger and fear. The ripples set into motion when the towers fell will continue to gently pass over us and color our experience forever.

We likewise cannot underestimate the effect the ripples of our nation’s policy will have both upon us and our world. In a climate where the electorate has indicated a concern for moral values, it has been sad to watch our president’s seriocomic attempts to redefine and place a noble spin on our involvement in Iraq. The real tragedy is the rippling effect of our presence there is stirring up so much more cynicism, ill regard and outright hatred for our country and its intentions than any good that could possibly come from it. We cannot beat the world over the head with our might in an attempt to pound it into submission to our will and at the same time hold on to any hope that the world will come to respect us.

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