Monday, December 05, 2005

Angels, Mortal Love & Other Things...

One of the DVDs on my book shelf that never gets old with multiple viewing is Nicholas Cage and Meg Ryan's City of Angels. I love this flick! An angel (Cage) decides to give up his immortality to experience mortal love. After only a brief taste he tragically loses that too when Ryan meets her untimely death.

I believe in guardian angels. At least that's the only real explanation I have for what I've experienced. There have been too many times in my life when I've found my way into serious fixes too impossible to escape only to miraculously be delivered from any harm. Dreadfully scared, without a click of the heels of my ruby red slippers, a blink of the eyes or a twitch of my nose, the trouble just disappears and I find myself safe from any harm other than second guessing the bad choices that presented me with my dilemmas in the first place. Every day I meet people who have stared in the face of the same dark moments I have but weren't as fortunate.

Mind you, my existence is no garden paradise. There are problems and circumstances that weigh heavily on me and the burden of the pain and hurt at times seems unbearable. There are times when I cannot hold back the crying out of my heart, spirit and soul. I wonder why God has spared me from so many burdens yet disappointingly remains silent in the midst of so many things I wish would just go away. But how can I fear? I take comfort in knowing that God, perhaps through messengers, is looking out for me. I just hope that in the midst of such amazing grace that I don't make a decision like that Cage's angel makes that ultimately costs him everything.

What do you think? Ever had an experience of feeling the presence or intervention of angels watching over you? Is there anything in life that you're willing to lose everything for a just a taste?

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