Each week Joe Rogan pushes contestants to reach beyond their physical limits and challenges them to either consume or commune with the most disgusting of things to determine for whom fear is a factor.
As our lives unfold, many factors contribute to who or what we eventually become or what becomes of us. Some are the consequences of the choices we make ranging from the most careful, informed and conscientious to the most flippant, haphazard or impulsive. But there are other factors over which we exercise little or no control, among them the temperament of our given social and cultural structures, the conditions of our surroundings and the makeup of our environment, limitations in resources, the unpredictability of nature and genetic predispositions. There's also an intangible factor that determines why a set of like circumstances will prove devastating to one and an insignificant inconvenience to another with the randomness shown by a midwestern twister.
The truth is life does not unfold on a level playing field. So what, then, are we facing: divine predetermination or design of which faith demands our acceptance or a divine call to abide by a social contract whereby we look out for one another and equitably provide for all based on need rather than want?
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