Singer, songwriter, arranger Barry Manilow gave advice to American Idol's final 11 prior to last night's competition in which they chose and performed a song from the fifties. It struck me how that advice is also pretty decent spiritual direction for all of us:
(1) Know who you are, what you do best and don't compromise it. We get ourselves into all kinds of trouble when we envy or mimic someone we would rather be or whose talents or opportunities we prefer. The only thing I am capable of excelling in is being myself. The world would much prefer and benefit most from me being me wholeheartedly rather than pretending to be someone else.
(2) You're not just a singer, you're a story teller. Interestingly you can tell the difference between the performer who is singing a song very well, hitting all the right notes in perfect pitch and the performer whose singing is coming from the heart filled with feeling and passion. I would much rather listen to the latter. Likewise everything I do in life can either be meaningless words (even when well chosen) and lifeless actions (even when appearing noble or purposeful) or each can tell my story to the world.
3. Song selection is critical. You must choose the right song that showcases your talent. If you are an investor, you're going to direct your resources where you are most likely to see a healthy return. It is likewise important to recognize that I am not a cornucopia or bottomless well and my success and fulfillment in life dictate that I invest myself in efforts that will impact on drawing nearer to my destination.
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