My real name is Don, but I'll be blogging under the name "gentlefootprint," a word that captures for me the spirit of how life ought to be lived.
Above is a picture of a toddler playfully discovering that he can leave his tiny foot's imprint in the sand. The image evokes for me the happy-go-lucky spirit of youthful playfulness, the excitement of new adventures and the sense of awe over new discoveries. Ironically the moment also reveals one of life's cruel lessons, that the object of the boy's fancy - his footprint - will fade and eventually disappear. It is futile to wed ourselves to "things" of any kind for no thing lasts. Try as he might to stomp his feet into the sand with everything he's got, the best he can do is leave a "gentle" footprint. It is just not our destiny to stamp or brand the world around us in our image and likeness.
I was ordained a priest in November of 1982. Over the years I've come to appreciate that, although there have been moments when drama was used to catch our attention, GOD is most often discovered in the ordinary and every day, his voice a mere whisper audible only if we pause to listen. I'll be sharing the life struggles I face and my attempts to find GOD in their midst in the hope my reflections console, bring hope and inspire you, my cherished readers. On occasion I'll also take a look back to recount the stories, treasure the memories, reconnect with the friendships and, finally, to reflect upon the meaning of the experiences I feel so privileged to have enjoyed. I hope in the telling of my story all can benefit from the lessons I have learned and the insights I have gained over the years. I hope this blog finds a home in your heart.
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