Just before the dawn, faint glimmers of light appear in the sky. As the earth turns on its axis, its many creatures stretch and start to awaken. Then the light brightens as the birds announce the coming day. Our waking minds change focus from the land of dreams and fantasy to a world that demands intelligent choices, a world pleading for love.
The choices required of us come from having a strong passion for life. A passion for life is more than a nebulous feeling of optimism and love of living. It is the commitment to life that motivates us to do our best and strive to make a positive difference in other peoples' lives. It is the determination to fight for what we believe in and to fight against suffering, injustice, and the waste of natural resources. It is the decision to transcend barriers that inhibit our best efforts. It reflects a commitment to be and to do more than we believed was possible.
Having a passion for life means being excited and involved in what is and what can be. It is like waking up and feeling full of energy. It is like falling in love and being full of joy. It is like being imprisoned and suddenly set free.
From the Introduction to Passion for Life: Psychology and the Human Spirit by Murial James and John James