Sunday, January 29, 2006
Dying & the End of Life
I've reflected here before that I see our existence as divine and eternal, without beginning or end, and that this life as we know it is but a single season of our being. I do not fear death and, if a diagnosis afforded me advance knowledge of my imminent end, I would perch myself in a chair overlooking one of the Great Lakes or an ocean beach or the Gulf. There I would cherish every last breath beholding as many sunrises and sunsets as I can against the backdrop of the awesome vastness and beauty of creation. Perhaps my affinity toward the water is a soulful attempt to exit life by returning to the waters of the womb from which I came into the world. This is more appealing to me, more spiritual, more meaningful than carrying either the weight of a fight to the end or departing emotionally numbed by medication to ease the pain and suffering.
I personally do not picture the next season, the afterlife, heaven or whatever you wish to call it as sitting on a cloud in a white robe with harp in hand singing alleluia. My gut hunch is that the kind of images of a heaven that people espouse or embrace have more to do with illusion and the ego's resolve to hold on to any semblence of life as we have known it. But of a continuance of being, I have no doubt.
I'm curious what folks here think or feel about the end of life. What about our spirit or soul or the essence of our being, whatever name you wish to give it? Would a valiant fight to remain alive to the end release a burdened spirit or soul or would the spirit or soul be rewarded by some elevated existence in the season that is to follow this life? Would there be any benefit to going out as I have described, filled with an appreciation of all that this life has given yet departing not in a fight but in peace?
Copyright 2006 Don Neale, Jr.
All rights reserved.
On Spirituality
It was interesting reading over your responses to the questions on my spirituality survey. Now I have to keep in mind that these responses come from readers who are drawn to this blog and what I might have to say. In that respect, this exercise is more a mirror image of my own perspective on spirituality than it is a snapshot of the world's "spiritual beings having a human experience" as Wayne Dyer likes to put it. Still I think the effort has something to offer to us.
The purpose of spirituality appears to unfold along three different paths. The first is to guide our search to discover meaning and purpose and, ultimately, enlightenment. A second path is to nurture a relationship with the divine, one capable of redeeming us or effecting our salvation. While the first two paths appear focused primarily on the self the third path is an other-centered, outward movement that seeks to reconcile the self with creation, building community and promoting harmony.
This follows our very view of God as the divine that is found somewhere deep within us. We also want to believe that God is intimately involved in every aspect of our life and somehow keeps watch over us. Despite the need of the self to intimately touch and be touched by the divine, we also recognize there is an experience of God that manifests itself only when people are able to set aside their differences and come together.
While our perspective on God and our understanding of the purpose of spirituality seems first related to the self, I find it interesting that, when considering what might please God the most, we tend to focus on the other. God is pleased when we break down the barriers that divide us and look out for the most vulnerable in our midst. Only to a lesser degree do we return to the self and acknowledge that God might also find pleasing a spiritual hunger for truth and a desire for peace and enlightenment.
Finally, I find it interesting how strongly we appear to agree that God is not bound by the pages of any book, that God spoke in history but continues to speak to us today. Simply stated, our relationship with God isn't limited to a past but has a present that is alive and vital. God does speak to us today and the readers of this xanga are poised to listen!
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Measuring Spirituality
I don't know about the weather in your parts, but here in Michigan January has seen just about everything from sunshine and temps in the mid 60's (the kind of happening that makes you begin to wonder if this is the beginning of the end or something) to heavy snowfall and sub zero temps. There are all kinds of instruments for predicting, measuring and monitoring the weather. Wouldn't it be cool if there were devices that could measure our spiritual experience? Unfortunately, I know of no such devices other than to ask questions and get your feedback. So I tried to come up with a few challenging questions that attempt to measure spirituality, at least the views of those who read gentlefootprint. I look forward to seeing if there is a wide range of spiritual experience or if there are some clear patterns. Thanks in advance for giving these questions your consideration!
1. Which statement best describes your thoughts about God's word?
a. God spoke definitively in history and that message has been recorded in scripture
b. God has spoken in time but continues to speak
c. God's message to us today or in the future is of more importance than anything said in scripture
d. the answer to any question, issue or dilemma humanity will ever face now or in the future can be found in scripture
e. the scriptures are intended to be followed literally
f. God speaking to us cannot be bound by the pages of any book
2. How do you see God?
a. always "out there", "up there", beyond your reach
b. always watching over you, protecting you
c. found somewhere deep within you
d. always around but not engaged in your ordinary affairs
e. intimately involved in every aspect of your life
f. the CEO of creation
g. found when people set aside their differences and come together
3. What do you think God finds most pleasing?
a. a life of humble service
b. evangelizing to bring others to God
c. leading a life of holiness and piety
d. faithful attendance at church or temple
e. witnessing to others during the ordinary course of your day
f. spiritual hunger and pursuit of truth
g. obeying religious laws and precepts
h. breaking down barriers that divide people
i. adhering to the dictates of scripture
j. finding personal peace or enlightenment
k. staunchly defending one's faith
l. loving the most vulnerable among us
4. What do you think is the primary purpose of spirituality?
a. redemption or salvation
b. reconciliation with creation
c. inner peace
d. relationship with the divine
e. enlightenment
f. meaning and purpose
g. community
5. Where do you find your greatest source of inspiration in your spiritual life?
a. a church or temple
b. religious tradition
c. scriptures
d. a personal relationship with God
e. liturgy, sacraments or ritual
f. prayer, contemplation or meditation
g. spiritual reading or study
h. impersonal relationships like blogger friends
i. being a member of a spiritual community
Monday, January 23, 2006
Who Has Had the Biggest Impact in My Life?
While some may not find the task of determining what person or cause has had the greatest impact difficult at all, why is it such a challenge for me? Now I could cite a number of people and circumstances, many of which I've already written about in this blog, without a problem. Their impact has to varying degrees defined me. But one that stands out over all others eludes me.
There are different approaches I could take in answering the question. Since my writings are usually spiritual in nature, I am sure there are many who will name GOD, the author of life itself, or some manifestation of the divine be it Jesus, Buddha or the likes of a Mother Theresa as having had the biggest impact. Still others will name a religious tradition, discipline or faith as most defining. Some may need to find a bible verse or consult with a pastor or the leader of a religious movement to insure that whomever or whatever is named, the selection is righteous. I've already written about those who have had a profound impact on who I am spiritually, from my mentor John Grathwohl who led me to discover deep within a love for pastoral ministry and good liturgy to Jim Barrett who helped me discover the importance of using my own brokenness to connect with the experiences of those to whom I pastor and an appreciation for a conversational over an academic approach to teaching, preaching and writing.
Like those who will select a family member, I could easily justify naming my parents and their upbringing as having the greatest impact. Afterall it is there I learned to value experience over possessions and discovered for the first time that the world doesn't always unfold rationally and that life's journey may be characterized more by finding peace with questions rather than discovering the answers.
There are those who may point to a loss of health or battling a disease as most defining. Like them I could reflect upon my own lifelong struggle being overweight, on the times when I was able to gain control and enjoy exhilarating moments of fitness, health and soaring self-esteem to times when it held control over me devastating my self image, crushing my spirit and leaving me feeling unworthy to partake in anything life had to offer. I could name the number of family members and friends whose lives were lost battling cancer or of my own thoughts and fears when first learning two years ago that it also knocked at my own door. I could also write volumes about the impact mental illness has had on the hopes and dreams of two marriages and the subsequent personal battles with depression it left in its wake.
I could name people who have believed in me at times when I didn't believe in myself. Among this list are Gert Sowers who alone stood by me, supported me and loved me through the darkest and most difficult moments of my life and who continues to do so despite the separation by distance and time. She more than any other person has encouraged me to find my spiritual purpose and to write... and so I continue to blog as gentlefootprint. Also on that list would be Sue Chicvara who, at a time when I doubted my ability, gave her young pastor an avenue for celebrating his love for singing. Perhaps if I had followed her prompting and was younger you might be seeing me on the audition highlights for American Idol! To this list I must also add Brent Cole's name. Brent is a highly popular host of karaoke around town six nights a week. He keeps the dream Sue first envisioned alive by encouraging my karaoke performances. And then there is David Holcomb, my high school art teacher. Dave's instruction choreographed my transformation from having a dad who drew awesome cartoons to realizing I too had artistic talent. He nurtured within me the development of an artistic sense that gave me an appreciation for art forms capable of capturing a reality far richer and deeper than the written word.
I find it interesting how often someone's attempts to describe what someone or something actually is winds up being a discourse about what it is not. My reflection on the person or cause that has had the greatest impact on who I am or what I have become has also helped me to realize that I have consciously chosen not to become many things I have seen in others, things I have found repulsive. By helping me to appreciate who or what I was not or did not wish to become, they've made a positive contribution in defining who I actually am.
© Copyright 2006 gentlefootprint. All Rights Reserved.
Friday, January 20, 2006
GOD Checks In to Follow Up...
[gentle] I think they really appreciate what you're saying, but i don't know...
[GOD] You don't know what?
[gentle] This bringing everybody together as one... I don't think we can get everybody to buy into it.
[GOD] Why?
[gentle] I'm afraid some who really love you and want to do your will think you're message here is watered down, a "feel good" drug to make us all feel warm and fuzzy.
[GOD] Can I ask a question?
[gentle] Of course...
[GOD] Just what is "feel good" or "warm and fuzzy" about having a GOD, whose capable of fixing anything and everything, instead insisting that you learn to put aside your differences and come together as one to fulfill my purpose, to unite all my gifts so you can do the work for yourselves?
[gentle] I think they figure this "all become one" thingy isn't your purpose at all, that it's about a personal relationship.
[GOD] Now wait a minute, gentle. Didn't I tell you I only work with one savior at a time? Dig... I'm all knowing, right? Why would I want the hassle of dealing with a multitude of individual know-it-alls? Nope, my plan is one leader for people to follow.
[gentle] I think they're referring to a personal relationship with Jesus.
[GOD] We talked about that, my son and I did. I had my reservations, but he insisted. You know how it is with kids... they always think they know more than the old man does. He figured by promising to always be with you it might just be enough umph to keep you focused on becoming one. By the way, I thought he made things pretty clear about my purpose... Did he not say he hoped you would all become one like he and I are one? Or did you goofs leave that out of the bible?
[gentle] No, it's there...
[GOD] Like I said, I never stopped talking to you but you figured you had it all in the holy book so you stopped listening. Can you tell me where in the bible did I ever say, "the end?"
[gentle] You didn't...
[GOD] Bingo! Maybe the holy book was a big mistake... You stopped listening to me and took off shooting from your mouths. You were given two ears and one mouth for a reason...
[gentle] Anyway, I'm discouraged. I don't know if we're going to be able to get this done...
[GOD] Be patient, gentle. I've been waiting 2000 years. We're planting a seed here. If it lands in open minds, steady hearts and faithful spirits, it'll take root and grow.
[gentle] *sigh* I hope so... I really hope so...
© Copyright 2006 gentlefootprint. All Rights Reserved.
Thursday, January 19, 2006
GOD Answers Your Questions...
[gentle] But it's 4 in the morning. OK, here's the first. NightComesOn asks, "How can you be found?"
[GOD] I'm not the one whose been lost! Concentrate on finding your own way and you'll realize I've been around all along.
[gentle] mgpooter asks, "Why do people blame you for all the hurricanes, floods and natural disasters?"
[GOD] Do they? Blame me? Are they too proud to accept personal responsibility? I wasn't kidding you know.
[gentle] Huh?
[GOD] About my seeing to it that the world has always had at its disposal all of my best qualities. You've just never figured out how to set your differences aside and become one... a pride thing... Ever pull that off and you will unleash my creative power! There would be no end to the kind of calamities you could pull the plug on! I do take some personal responsibility... I underestimated how difficult you would find the principle of oneness. Never in my wildest divine imagination would I have thought after 2000 years you still wouldn't get it!
[gentle] mgpooter snuck a second question in there... You okay with that?
[GOD] I'm in a good mood... Fire away!
[gentle] She observes how pissed off you must have been with Prime Minister Sharon's idea of splitting up your land and so you gave him a cerebral hemorrhage. She wants to know, "Why do you only confide these things to Pat Robertson and no one else?"
[GOD] First of all, I didn't "cause" anything. Sharon tries. Take it from me, it's never been a picnic to lead my people! As for Robertson? He should be ashamed of himself. There are actually people who follow his misguided voice? Now there's a big reason you all don't "get" the law of oneness! Like I said the first time we chatted, I only work with one savior at a time, and this time belongs to you, gentle.
[gentle] Hmmm... I sense a set up? Oh well, continuing on... ronlawhouston asks, "What's up with this Satan guy? Why don't you just snap your fingers and get rid of that joker?"
[GOD] First off, Bush missed out on a great opportunity when he nominated Samuel Alito to your Supreme Court. I tried everything I could to catch his attention and suggest Ron's name for the post. As for Satan? Don't you realize yet that I don't like to give up on anybody? Satan still possesses some unbelievably effective skills that I can put to good use. We just need to bring him back into the GOD camp! In a way you created a monster down here by giving him so much attention. Went right to his head! Keep your attention on me... That'll bring Satan back in line!
[gentle] PilgrimOfTruth asks, "Is the act of homosexuality evil?"
[GOD] The way you treat homosexuals is what is evil! Since this is truth or dare, I've got to be straight with you. When I first imagined sexuality, I was giving you a gift that was intended to allow you to participate in creation and bring forth life into the world. I have to give you your props, though. You humans are creative and imaginative, like all the uses you come up with for Avon's Skin So Soft. Now if you can just figure out how to channel that creativity and imagination into becoming one...
[gentle] homer3132 asks, "What's the cure for AIDS?"
[GOD] You people expect so much of me and so little of yourselves! Learn to become one and unleash the creative power of the gifts I've given you. It wouldn't be long at all before AIDS disappeared, and every other form of suffering. By the way, people might talk, but tell Mike the next time he goes to the Cafe, ask him to grab us a table in a quiet corner and I'll be glad to sit down and chat with him. He's a good kid... filled with promise. Tea... Have him order me a tea. The tab's on me!
[gentle] momofjenmatt observes that your words are so hard to understand and everyone interprets them differently. There are even those who use your words to perpetuate hate. She wonders if it might have been better and clearer without all the parables and stories.
[GOD] You're probably right, Laura, but without the parables and stories many would have found it way too boring to even read. Oprah wasn't around back then to put the book on her list! I do have to say though that you humans have made a fundamental mistake by taking my word as locked within the confines of a single holy book. You see, I've never stopped talking to you, but you thought you had it all so you haven't been interested in listening!
[gentle] Deacontom wonders, "If Jesus shed His blood for all of us, do you think anyone goes to hell?"
[GOD] Tom answered his own question... Jesus shed his blood for all of you! You create the hell because you can't figure out how to become one. You humans get off way too much on judging. You like to define all kinds of little boxes to put people in. Your energy and focus is on the wrong things!
[gentle] Monkeys_for_hire asks, "With all of the different interpretations of the bible, and denominations at war with each other, how come you don't come down, clear it up, and just settle the matter once and for all?"
[GOD] Hmmm... The second time with this question. Let me ask you, how do you know I haven't already done what you suggest? As I said before, when you got the bible you figured you had it all and stopped listening. I will say one thing though... I'm sure glad we already got the bible thing under our belt. You guys talk way to creepy nowadays when you get into your religious moods. As for settling things once and for all, let's see what gentle can do. Let's give him his chance.
[gentle] twoberry asks if you bear any responsibility for that part of human nature that has caused all manner of evil, including senseless wars and even more senseless hatreds, all to be done in your name?
[GOD] Do I bear any resonsibility? Not a day goes by and it grieves me a lot! Like I said, I underestimated your inability to become one. It was never supposed to turn out the way things have.
[gentle] yet_still_learning asks, "Where do you live besides from our heart?"
[GOD] Where do I live? To tell you the truth, sometimes I think I've spread myself so thin that I'm not even sure myself anymore. I live wherever there is love. A little part of me lives in everybody and in everything. That's why I can't impress upon you enough the importance of putting it all together. I should have realized when you couldn't put Humpty Dumpty back together again how diificult this might be for you. Life and everything in it forms one huge, gigantic, life-size jigsaw puzzle. Everybody and every thing is but a single piece of that puzzle. You ever put it together you'll discover a picture more beautiful than you could ever imagine. You and I, reunited in the garden with no more want, no more need, no more suffering, no more death.
[gentle] AcidSam wants to know, "Why are mattresses always on sale?"
[GOD] Martha Stewart. Insider trading. Satan is trying to cash in on the whole law of the Sabbath/day of rest thing. Pretty pathetic really. You know, a part of me really feels sorry for that scoundrel!.
[gentle] trimtab asks, "If you are all-powerful, which you are, because you are All That Is, then is it true to say that the devil can stand apart from you only with your permission? If there is a devil--if there is an evil in the world--can it only exist because you allow it to exist? Why would you allow evil to exist in this world? And as long as there is redemption, how can absolute evil exit?"
[GOD] How many questions is that lol? As I said before, Satan is and never has been "all that." You preoccupy yourselves way too much with him! He has something to offer. We just need to bring him back into the GOD camp!. Just look at the name you give him... "devil"... "d-evil"... "de-evil" The very name you give him shows he's destined to be a partner instead of a hindrance. Look, aren't you really asking the wrong question? Like I said, I've given everything to you, everything you'll ever need if you can only come together as one to unleash its power! Why do you then allow evil?
[gentle] Still_groovy asks, "Can our deceased loved ones see us from their vantage point in Heaven? Will our pets be with us in Heaven?"
[GOD] I'm glad you asked "from their vantage point in Heaven" because they don't see things as you see them any more. Your loved ones are actually as frustrated as I am because they can see how close you are to "getting it" yet know how far away you remain. In reconciling their regrets for all of the ways they may have wronged you there love for you has become eternal. Believe me, they keep close watch over you... I hear their concern voiced constantly! And your pets? They take good care of me up here, but you'll always be their masters!
[gentle] Finally, Doctor_Nat asks, "What's up with giving us free-will?"
[GOD] I had no choice really. How could I possibly know you love me if I didn't also give you the free will to not have that love?
[gentle] Thanks, GOD. Hopefully people will know you a little better after considering your answers to their questions.
[GOD] And hopefully I've done my part to help you accomplish your work for me!
© Copyright 2006 gentlefootprint. All Rights Reserved.
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Truth or Dare: GOD Accepts Your Challenge...
[gentle] I'd probably be burned at the stake for witchcraft.
[GOD] yeah, Winston-Salem wasn't on the map yet... I've got it!
[gentle] what?
[GOD] those annoying Nextel two ways... how bout I make every one of em go off all at once all around the world?
[gentle] that'd b funny, but they'd probly blame it on a wayward satellite or something.
[GOD] but it might b a way to get rid of those things. u think thunder's bad? u should be one of my angels trying to get in his harp practice when those things start going off down here. we can't hear ourselves think!
[gentle] i really don't think anyone has thought about that
[GOD] well I really wanna help u out here, kid... How's about I send everyone a letter in the mail?
[gentle] didn't u hear? the price of a first class stamp went up. y ppl would probably accuse u of being wasteful.
[GOD] okay. i got it. oh, this is good, gentle. this is good...
[gentle] what?
[GOD] I really got a kick out of Laura playing Truth or Dare over the weekend... what if I offered to answer any truth question like she did?
[gentle] she offered to answer five
[GOD] I really can't do that. Laura doesn't have to answer the prayers I do!
[gentle] you've got a point... how about u being willing to take a dare if u can't or don't want to answer a question? that might make this more interesting and catch ppl's attention!
[GOD] alright... u caught me having a good day. I'll answer anyone's single question honestly. If I'm stumped, I'll take the dare!
[gentle] alright... let's see what happens! this could be interesting... btw, what do u mean by "asking so much" of me? is this thing gonna cost me?
Okay, xanga... There you have it. GOD has offered to play truth or dare. Anyone have a question you want to ask GOD?
© Copyright 2006 gentlefootprint. All Rights Reserved.
Sunday, January 15, 2006
Life's Goodbyes
There is a rhythm to life. Ups and downs. Highs and lows. Hellos and goodbyes. While we might wish we could suspend time when our lives are going particularly well, life continuously unfolds. Life contantly changes. We are in transition from one moment to the next throughout our lives. Spiritual maturity requires that we accept that life is filled with endings. But how do we learn how to say goodbye?
The death of a loved one. The break up of a marriage or relationship. A grown child leaving the family home. Graduating from school. Changing jobs. Retirement. Everything in life has an end. Our goodbyes mark these endings and transform them from experiences of loss and death to experiences of hope and promise. They change our perspective from one of looking back to looking ahead.
Through the back window of a '59 wagon
I watched my best friend Jamie slippin' further away
I kept on waving 'till I couldn't see her
And through my tears, I asked again why we couldn't stay
Mama whispered softly, Time will ease your pain
Life's about changing, nothing ever stays the same
And she said, How can I help you to say goodbye?
It's OK to hurt, and it's OK to cry
Come, let me hold you and I will try
How can I help you to say goodbye?
I sat on our bed, he packed his suitcase
I held a picture of our wedding day
His hands were trembling, we both were crying
He kissed me gently and then he quickly walked away
I called up Mama, she said, Time will ease your pain
Life's about changing, nothing ever stays the same
And she said, How can I help you to say goodbye?
It's OK to hurt, and it's OK to cry
Come, let me hold you and I will try
How can I help you to say goodbye?
Sitting with Mama alone in her bedroom
She opened her eyes, and then squeezed my hand
She said, I have to go now, my time here is over
And with her final word, she tried to help me understand
Mama whispered softly, Time will ease your pain
Life's about changing, nothing ever stays the same
And she said, How can I help you to say goodbye?
It's OK to hurt, and it's OK to cry
Come, let me hold you and I will try
How can I help you to say goodbye?
How can I help you to say goodbye?
Copyright 2006 Don Neale, Jr.
All rights reserved.
Friday, January 13, 2006
People and Plants
In some respects human life patterns that of the plant. Where roots systems reach down into the earth in search of the nutrients a plant needs to grow, as humans we busy ourselves reaching out in myriad ways to connect with whatever person, thing or endeavor will feed our imagination, spirit and soul. Where a plant grows in the direction of the sun not unlike a little child in a crowd who hops atop her daddy's shoulders so she can gain an unobstructed view of what's going on, as humans we embrace relationships and belief systems that as directly as possible align us with our source. Where a plant requires water to sustain its life and grow and the natural source of that water is essentially the absence of sun - rain - as humans we too are nourished by the storms that arise in our lives.
Thursday, January 12, 2006
GOD IM'd me... Again!
[GOD] Sup gentlefootprint?
[gentle] GOD?
[GOD] Thad b me! U got a minute?
[gentle] U give 'em 2 me... Of courseI do!
[GOD] I'm discouraged, gentle.
[gentle] So am I. What discourages u, GOD?
[GOD] I'm stumped... How come u humans just don't get it? Sometimes I wonder if it's me who's doing something wrong.
[gentle] You can't do anything wrong. U R GOD!!!
[GOD] I was lookin in a mirror u know... when I fashioned u guys down here. I gave u every one of my best qualities!
[gentle] Yeah... I've known ppl who have thought that...
[GOD] No. I couldn't give all of my qualities out to any one person cuz then they'd have no reason to pay any attention to me. U know it can get pretty lonely being GOD sometimes.
[gentle] Lonely? Y most everybody cares about u!
[GOD] But it's the way they go about it. ppl r so busy trying to go thru all the right motions that they don't know how to just bequiet, sit still and spend some quality time with me.
[gentle] Not many look at it that way.
[GOD] Anywho, I took every one of my best qualities and divided them up amongst all of u. That's y it's so important that I get to know every one of ya b4 ur even born!
[gentle] I've heard that. U really call each of us by name?
[GOD] and count every one of the hairs on ur heads. Sometimes I get tired doing all that counting, that's y some folks like Dr. Phil don't have many. I got tired... or distracted.
[gentle] Well I'm glad u weren't tired or distracted when u counted mine!
[GOD] One.
[gentle] Huh?
[GOD] The only number that matters is one. U know the talk about u all being one? If u ppl can ever get ur act together, if u can figure out how to be one, how to pool the qualities I gave to each one of ya, u will have everything u need to accomplish anything under the sun... No more suffering, no more war, no more disaster or disease or even death! U know I don't get off sittin down up there watching u fail miserably. I want u to have fun playing the game. And I want u to win!
[gentle] There aren't many ppl who look at it that way.
[GOD] That disappoints me. U have ppl down here ministering in my name all over the place. What r they doing, anywho?
[gentle] I think ppl's intentions r good, but sometimes it seems they wind up caring more about the temple or church or mosque. They lose sight of it being ultimately about you.
[GOD] U going to b able to turn things around down here 4 me? I'm counting on u.
[gentle] I don't know. I'm just one person. U could have picked someone better than I... A network exec maybe who could make ur message a hit tv show! Or maybe get someone over there at FOX News. Or if u r dead set on the net u could have chosen someone like Dan... He's got a huge following over there on Theologian's Cafe!
[GOD] U got it in u kid. I know... I put it in there. I believe in u! It's not about how many ppl u have contact with or talk to, it's about how many hearts u can touch... and I know u can touch hearts.
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
The Wizard of Blog
Now what would I ask for? Let's see, there's living closer to work so I can get an extra hour of sleep each morning, chop off an hour and forty-five minutes of commute time each day, get home an hour earlier each night and at today's gas prices probably save $250 per month, $3,000 per year. That sounds good! Then there's getting a book published which could launch a new career as a writer of fiction. That sounds good too! But wait, don't forget acquiring a Retreat Center where I could host and support people on their spiritual journey.
I'm just not sure I could figure out what to choose. How about you? What would you wish for?
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Divine Purpose
Rewriting the Oh, God! conversations between Jerry (played by John Denver) and God (played by George Burns) as an instant message has renewed my appreciation for the simple yet at the same time profound theology behind the screenplay. Simply stated, God has done his part and given us all we need, now it is up to us. Lucado's reflections are a revisiting of the same theme. God has done his part and now brings each of us into the world to play a unique and special role and has equipped us with everything we will need to carry out that purpose. It indeed is now up to us.
I'm still trying to figure out my own divine purpose. I like to write and give spiritual talks. I have been given a tone of voice and a command of vocabulary that others say they find "calming and peaceful." My life has taken me on a runaway roller coaster ride of ups and downs, highs and lows. I am convinced this too has a purpose - to give me the kind of life experience necessary to foster empathy. And I believe God has allowed me to be frequently wounded so that I might be a means of healing for others.
On the other hand my ego directs me to seek recognition and affirmation. It likes to "get noticed" and so I blog with the hope of getting hoards of comments and attaining the featured status that has so far eluded me. Because I have never enjoyed such ego-success, I wrestle with losing interest in blogging altogether and try to convince myself blogging has nothing to do with God's purpose for me anyway.
QUESTION: What do you think is God's special purpose for you? How has God equipped you to fulfill that special purpose? How does the ego manipulate that purpose to meet its needs?
Sunday, January 08, 2006
Why Do You Blog?
Anyone who wanders about bloggerland to see what others are doing soon realizes that people "blog" for very different reasons. Some seek to connect while others seek to expose or shock. Some seek to influence, teach or moralize while others seek to explore and find answers. Some make us think while others stir our anger. Some make us laugh while others make us cry. While a good number of blogs have explored what makes a "good" blog, opinion and practice varies. The only sure thing one can say is that the blog is truely an expression of its writer.
Why does gentlefootprint blog? I don't claim to have all of life's answers. I have however had the privilege to experience, either by myself or by walking side by side in support of others, almost every possible high and low, joy and sorrow, accomplishment and hardship in life imaginable. These experiences are for me building blocks that I can put on the table with an open mind and the insights of others to answer life's perplexing questions and find meaning, purpose and peace. When I post, it is important that I keep it simple, to the point and brief and do not leave the reader asking "So what?"
Why do you blog? Please read over every post you've ever written for your blog and select the one post that best exemplifies who you are and why you blog, the post that best defines you. I welcome and would appreciate your comment below sharing the title and date of the post you have chosen. Finally, I am suggesting that to commemorate the upcoming Martin Luther King Jr holiday on Monday, January 16th everyone repost the defining post you have selected here.
Saturday, January 07, 2006
Another IM from GOD
[GOD] Gentle, are u there?
[gentle] Is that u?
[GOD] In person!
[gentle] How can I know for sure ur God?
[GOD] Wanna trade pics? On the way!

[GOD] Not what u xpected? I picked a look u could understand. For someone else I would look different. I could do any face, voice, whatever. I could even be a woman!
Go ahead. I mean with the questions that r popping up in ur head.
[gentle] Yeah... Y me?
[GOD] Why not u?
[gentle] u mean there's no special reason?
[GOD] U thought I picked u because ur better than everybody?
[gentle] I'm not?
[GOD] ur better than some, but not as good as others. But ur name came up... Like a pop-up window for being the millionth visitor!
[gentle] If u chose me, y didn't u just appear to me... in person?
[GOD] Hollywood. Drama. Next question.
[gentle] People r always praying to u... Do u listen?
[GOD] I can't help hearing. I don't always listen.
[gentle] Then u don't care?
[GOD] Of course I care. I care plenty. But what can I do?
[gentle] What can you do? ur God!
[GOD] Only for the big picture. I don't get into the details.
[gentle] Then whatever happens to us...
[GOD] Happens.
[gentle] You mean there's no plan, no scheme to guide our destinies?
[GOD] A lot of it is luck.
[gentle] Luck? Just luck? You don't control our lives?
[GOD] I gave u a world and everything in it. It's all up to u.
[gentle] But, we need help!
[GOD] That's y I gave u each other.
[gentle] With ur powers, u could solve so many problems. Y don't u? Work a few miracles!
[GOD] I don't do miracles. Too flashy. And they upset the natural balance.
[gentle] No miracles, huh? That's what ronlawhouston says.
[GOD] Maybe now and then, just to keep my hand in. The last miracle I did was the 2004 Red Sox. B4 that the '69 Mets. B4 that u got to go to the Red Sea. Now that was a beauty!
[gentle] No offense, but I don't believe the Red Sea and I don't believe 6 days to create the world.
[GOD] ur right.
[gentle] I am?
[GOD] Tell u the honest truth I thought about it for 5 days and did the whole job in 1. I'm really best under pressure.
[gentle] 1 day to create the world?
[GOD] And the sun... I hate to work in the dark. Anywho you have to remember that 1 of my days is not exactly 1 of urs.
[gentle] How long are they?
[GOD] When I got up this morning Sigmund Freud was still in medical school.
[gentle] If ur so involved with us, how can u permit all the suffering that goes on in the world?
[GOD] How can I permit the suffering?
[gentle] Yeah!
[GOD] I don't permit the suffering. U do. Free will. All the choices are urs.
[gentle] Choices? What choices?
[GOD] u can love each other, cherish and nurture each other, or u can kill each other. Incidently, "kill" is the word. It's not "waste." If I meant "waste," I would have written, "Thou shalt not waste." ur doing some very funny things with words down here. ur also turning the sky into mud. I look down, I don't believe the filth! Using rivers for toilets, poisoning my fishes. u want a miracle? u make a fish from scratch. u can't. u think only God can make a tree? Try coming up with a mackerel. And when the last one is gone that'll be that. Eighty-six on the fishes. Goodbye, sky. So long, world. Over and out.
[gentle] Umm... I thought u said we would make it?
[GOD] I said, uve got to make it work.
[gentle] u don't care!
[GOD] I do care!
[gentle] Then do something about it!
[GOD] I did. I got u to carry the ball.
[gentle] I got no ball! How can I carry it?
[GOD] I gave you a mouth, didn't I? And a computer. And the internet. Tell people how I feel, what I said.
[gentle] How do I do that?
[GOD] How did u get to be assistant manager? Did u ever hear of google? u urself said ppl r blogging. How about network news? u have a scoop here, an exclusive.
[gentle] Fine. And how do I convince anybody that I have spoken to u? That you exist?
[GOD] Simple. Show them this...

© Copyright 2006 gentlefootprint. All Rights Reserved.
Friday, January 06, 2006
Unknown Miracles
Thursday, January 05, 2006
eReligion is the religion of the internet, of the blogging world. It's holy of holys is the email chain letter. I have come to appreciate
1. That the canon of the eReligion scriptures is comprised of all of the email chain letters that are forwarded to you. You can locate them in your SPAM filter, which is one of the shrines of eReligion.
2. That prayers must only be raised before God during the course of reading and forwarding an email chain letter.
3. That God will listen to your prayers only when you immediately identify and forward the email chain letter to seven different persons.
4. That God will actually answer your prayers if you can identify and forward the email chain letter to an additional five people (making a total of 12). Be careful, however, as you only have five minutes to do this as well as make a wish. After five minutes have elapsed the email chain letter becomes defiled and you will need to take part in a ritual cleansing in order to regain the attention of God's holy ear.
5. That you can attain ritual purity by cutting and pasting this post into a new email chain letter and sending it on to 100 people instructing each to forward the chain to 7 people of their choosing.
6. That God has partnered with Microsoft and Time-Warner in a special email program whereby they agree to pay the eReligion Church 10 cents for every email address that gets attached to an email chain letter. I contacted Micorsoft and this is real!!!! Bill Gates has actually devised a way to track this!
7. That for every email chain letter you forward on to another person, God will give you an angel who will look out for you.Now I do know that God does not want us to drink Pepsi or Dr. Pepper because the people who make these products are athiests and refuse to put "Under God" on their cans.
Being just a baby eReligion convert myself, I invite any of my readers who are high priests of eReligion to share any teachings I may have overlooked.
Copyright 2006 Don Neale, Jr.
All rights reserved.
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Questions About the History of Religion
1,500 BC. Hinduism- no specific founder
560 BC. Buddhism- Gautama Buddha
550 BC. Taoism - Lao Tzu
30 AD. Christianity –Jesus Christ
590 AD Roman Catholicism- Developed after Constantine; Pope Gregory
610 AD Islam- Mohammed
1515 AD Protestantism- (Reformers) Martin Luther, Ulrich Zwingli, John Calvin
1650 AD Tibetan Buddhism-Dalai Lama
My mind got to thinking about the world's great religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Islam and Christianity. I do not pretend to be an expert by any means, but it seems to me one could argue that it was God's desire to embrace humanity that gave rise to these religions and, since their inception, the human hunger for the divine that has sustained them over time. I've also been pondering the passionate and not always respectful debate that takes place whenever proponents of each religious tradition collide over spiritual issues.
I suppose this is inevitable. Afterall, the last thing one would want is to find cracks in his belief system that could compromise his very faith. And so spiritual discussion, instead of being an open-minded search for truth, becomes a closed-minded and passionate appeal to others to see the errancy of their ways, to drop their beliefs and to embrace the religion of the most persistent and vocal. We call that "evangelizing."
I find it curious given the exponential changes that have occurred in the life of humanity with the expansion of knowledge and all of our technological advancements that the world hasn't given birth to a new world religion the likes of Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity and Islam in nearly 1400 years. A part of me finds it odd that God would remain silent or, at best, continue to speak only in antiquated languages that predate the renaissance of humanity. Or, perhaps, could it be that we raise our voices so loud in apology of our faith that God couldn't get a word in edgewise? On the other hand, the very fact that there has been no new world religion could be God's ultimate endorsement of the efficacy and his commitment to the religions we have.
What do you think?
Copyright 2006 Don Neale, Jr.
All rights reserved.
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
The Two Sides of Vision
It probably won't matter much how you look at this man, what he did and the chow hall episode I shared with you. But it does illuminate an important truth. There are always two(or more)sides to vision.
I was moved by the Hallmark presentation of Mitch Albom's The Five People You Meet In Heaven and recently picked up the audio CD to give it a relisten during my daily commute to and from work. What strikes me so far (Eddie has met the first two of the five persons, the blue man and his captain) is this theme of the two sides of vision. His encounters in heaven opened his eyes to another side of vision that he was incapable, or perhaps unwilling, to recognize in his life. What was for Eddie an instance of a boy innocently running into the road chasing his ball was also an instance causing an accident that took the life of the blue man. What was for Eddie a physical handicap that cheated him out of the life he dreamed of was also a sacrifice that actually allowed him to have life rather than be burned alive when he and his comrades in arms destroyed the camp where they had been held and brutally treated as prisoners of war.
Two sides of vision. Blue states and red states. Conservative and liberal. Judgmental and compassionate. Sad that we are content waiting for heaven to open our eyes to the other side of what we choose to see in life.
Copyright 2006 Don Neale, Jr.
All rights reserved.
Monday, January 02, 2006
Doctor Death
For a man that held such a large public stature, he is actually a very diminutive man, short and gaunt. A pair of large eyeglasses detract attention from a skeletal face that could have cast him in a Tim Burton movie. Jack appears frail and despite his stature is quite soft-spoken. In prison the rough shaven man lives the life of a loner and recluse. A couple of parole violators for petty crimes took him under their wing and helped him adjust to his surroundings.
One of the funniest tales they shared with me was of Jack sitting at a table with them in the chow hall as they "taught" him how to sneak what he couldn't eat at meal time out of the dining room to take to his cell to consume at a later time. I am told he proceeded to stuff a peanut butter sandwich wrapped in a napkin down his pants to take back to his cell. Apparently breaking rules is so out of character for Jack that he wears his anxiety over such indiscretions on his shoulders resulting in his being "shook down" and the contraband food confiscated.
Is Jack Kevorkian a "continuing risk to the community?" Perhaps there is irony in this latest set back by the parole board and the refusal of Governor Granholm to issue a pardon as ultimately it is likely to hasten or assist Doctor Death's own death.
Copyright 2006 Don Neale, Jr.
All rights reserved.
Sunday, January 01, 2006
Instant Message From GOD
[GOD]: How often do u talk with God?
[gentle]: Practically never. How do I kno ur God? Afterall, there r folks pretending 2 b just about anybody or anything on here.
[GOD]: Well, sorry, ur not allowed to c me.
[gentle]: Ynot?
[GOD]: Bcuz.
[gentle]: That's no answer.
[GOD]: Sue me.
[GOD]: Just relax. Do u smoke?
[gentle]: I don't.
[GOD]: Good. Tobacco is 1 of my big mistakes.
[gentle]: Mistake?
[GOD]: u try. Ostriches were a mistake. Silly looking things. Avocados, made the pit too big. Like I said, u try.
[gentle]: btw, you spelled "interview" wrong on ur email.
[GOD]: Give me a break. I got a few things right. I put summer b4 winter, didn't I?
[gentle]: How come ur talking 2 me here anywho?
[GOD]: Empathy. I'm talking 2 u in a way u can accept. I'm relating. I don't like 2 brag but if I appeared 2 u just as GOD, how I really am, what I really am, ur mind couldn't grasp it.
[gentle]: Look. I think uve made a mistake. I'm not even religious.
[GOD]: That's why I'm talking to u. 2 many non-believers!
[gentle]: But I read an article. Religion is on the upswing. Check out all the xangas about u - ronlawhouston, trimtab, laleocafe, pilgrim. Y TheTheologian'sCafe has hundreds of visits each day!!!
[GOD]: Row, row, row ur boat. Religion is easy. I'm talking about faith. Ur going 2 help me change that.
[gentle]: Me? I don't belong 2 any church!
[GOD]: Neither do I. I want you to spread the word.
[gentle]: Me? Spread what word?
[GOD]: That I am. I exist. That we've spoken.
[gentle]: U want me 2 tell ppl that I've spoken 2 God?
[GOD]: Yes.
[gentle]: They'll put me away.
[GOD]: I'm tired of all the talk that I may be dead or that I never was at all or that I'm just particles of cosmos. Gas. I'm NOT gas. I found that uber insulting.
[gentle]: Do u actually xpect ppl 2 believe me?.
[GOD]: That's ur job.
[gentle]: But I'm just a man. I'm no Moses.
[GOD]: What was Moses? U think Moses was born on page 1? Moses was just a messenger. My messenger.
[gentle]: But ppl r going to think I'm some kind of nut case. Is that the kind of God u r? How come u don't just chat with everybody all at once?
[GOD]: It's a policy of mine. I try not to work with more than 1 savior at a time.
[GOD]: U do ur job right.
[gentle]: I can't take this job. I don't believe.
[GOD]: I kno, I kno... but even non-believers want what they've got down here 2 work.
[gentle]: Well have u read the papers lately? Tsunamis, hurricanes, terrorism. It ain't working!
[GOD]: That's y I came. 2 tell all my peeps I set the world up so it can work. Only it's up 2 u. U can't look 2 me 2 do it 4 u.
[gentle]: No. No.
[GOD]: U can do it! It's only 1 message. Moses had to handle ten.
[gentle]: But u gave him tablets!
[GOD]: He had a bad memory.
[gentle]: Well I need something.
[GOD]: What kind of something?
[gentle]: I don't kno. nething. A message on DVD? a webcast?
[GOD]: Wouldn't work. It's very, very complicated. It's like, u kno how Dracula can't see himself in a mirror? It's along those lines.
[gentle]: But, I mean if ppl could just c u or hear ur voice.
[GOD]: I'm talking all the time but ppl don't hear my voice. I'm talking with u like this so u can understand me.
[gentle]: Understand? I don't understand nething!
[GOD]: Well, that's a beginning. TTYL.
[gentle]: Hey, hold on. Don't go yet.
[GOD]: Gotta go. Now b careful where u go on this web thingy. We can't afford any trojan attack. I need u down here!
© Copyright 2006 gentlefootprint. All Rights Reserved.