Another bitterly contested election reaches its climax today. I will not miss the barrage of television ads, most sponsored by political action committees, defaming an opponent rather than advocating what each candidate personally stands for or proposes. I will not miss the politicians who fuel the flames of polarization to advance their campaigns, pitting democrat against republican, conservative against liberal, red state against blue state.
A particular pet peeve of mine are politicians who seek election on the coat tails of the electorate's sentiment over emotionally charged "values." True Christian values are neither "conservative" nor "liberal" - They are Christian. Nowhere in scripture are those values more simply or clearly stated than in Matthew 25. Neither "Conservatives" (who tout an anti-abortion and anti-gay agenda to the neglect of the social consciousness mandated by scripture) nor "liberals" (who promote the welfare of the poor, infirm and elderly but turn their head to protecting the sanctity of all life beginning with the most vulnerable) are getting it right!!! Perhaps a complete boycott of the midterm elections would send a message to politicians that would make them shutter. What would they do if the vote was "0" to "0" ? Would they get the message that "enough is enough?"
I encourage Christians throughout this country to exercise their right to vote. Before you do, however, please step away from the rhetoric of partisan politics and from the extremists from both parties who fan the flames of polarization to win our vote by fearing or hating the other side. Take off your red shirt or your blue shirt. Our vote can put an end to this era and forge a new majority united by hope, love and reason.
Before you vote, consider the following prayer:
We realize that much is "incorrect" about the world in which we live, and we pray that our vote may be cast for leaders, who, committed to the common good, can address these grave problems.
In the United States, 38 million people are hungry and nearly 46 million are uninsured. A person who works a full-time minimum wage job cannot adequately provide for a family. May the vote we cast elect leaders who will create an option for the poor and vulnerable.
Despite the advice of spiritual leaders to the contrary, our country supports violent solutions to conflict. In an age of fear, when the problems of terrorism and extremism loom in the background of policy decisions, important civil rights and freedoms have been weakened. May the vote we cast elect leaders who will promote peace and protect human rights.
The environment is being degraded. The future of our earth is in peril. Yet, U.S. leaders have neglected to sign-on to important international protocol on the environment. May the vote we cast elect leaders who will care for God's Creation.
Current events have diverted our focus from social atrocities: 2.8 million people die of HIV/AIDS ever year; millions more die of other preventable diseases. Millions of people live in refuge camps around the world, displaced by war and conflict. Drought and famine plague multiple countries around the world at any given moment. May the vote we cast elect leaders who will protect the dignity of all human life.
God of Hope, God of Peace, we pray for your spirit in the upcoming election. We pray for leaders who will uphold and protect the most poor and vulnerable in our world. We pray for leaders who will stand for the common good. Amen
(adapted from a prayer by Jill Rauh, Education for Justice)
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